Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Roland Barthes Theory
Roland Barthes theory says that the narrative is interwoven with multiple codes. Barthes has introduced 5 codes to create the meaning of the story.The 5 codes are : 
i) The Hermeneutic code (HER) - This code refers to element of a story which is not explained to create enigma and raise questions. Most of the stories hides the detail in order to increase the curiosity of the audience which keeps the audience interested till the end of the story. Barthes explains "The variety of these terms (their inventive range) attests to the considerable labor the discourse must accomplish if it hopes to arrest the enigma, to keep it open" For example the detective movies has lots of suspenses which uses Hermeneutic code. It is again sub-divided as snares, equivocations, partial answers, suspended answers and  jammings. 
ii) The Proairetic code (ACT)- This code refers to the structuring principle that builds interest to the audience. It applies the action that implies further narrative action. For example, if a character is about to commit suicide, we wonder what the resolution of this action will be. We wait to see whether he has guts  to commit suicide or not. Thus suspense is created by the action rather than audience wish of twisted explanations.
iii) The Semantic code (SEM)- This code refers to a text that suggests a particular meaning by using connotation. For example if you see red colour you will automatically think of blood or death as it has already been set in your mind and sometimes you just literally think of meaning when you see it.
iv) The Symbolic code (SYM)- This code is similar to Semantic code, Barthes was never clear about this two code so it is difficult to distinguish. Barthes says, "Every joining of two antithetical terms, every mixture, every conciliation—in short, every passage through the wall of the Antithesis—thus constitutes a transgression"
v) The Cultural code (REF)- This code refers to the foundation of truth which cannot be challenged. 

We will be applying this codes in our documentary. This theory relates to our documentary as it raises questions and build interest to the audience. It also refers the foundation of truth.

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