For the best results in sound, film and photography we will be using a variety of high range equipment to get the best possible quality for the documentary. this will include camera, tripod, microphone, headphones and pag light. The camera that we will be using is called a SONY PMD6. We will be using this for both; the cutaways and the interviewing of people.
To get the best possible sturdiness of the camera and to make the filming a little bit easier we will be rest the camera on a tripod. this is so the camera can remain still and balanced. We will be using the tripod because it give the production a more professional feel.
To get the best sound we will be using a clip microphone for the interview to make sure the sound that we record is clear as if the person was speaking write in front of the audience. And make the whole documentary more professional. for some of the cut away we will be using the microphone thats already on the the camera as we intend to put score music over it. we will also be using headphones so we can listen to the sound that either the clip microphone will pick up of the cameras microphone.this is important to see weather the sound being recorded is clear.
A paglight is a bright, high powered light that can be used to brighten up dark areas wen filming or to create a silhouette. this is particually important during interview when the light conditions are not in our favour or a person that has agreed to interview but doesn;t want there identity to be shown on camera , and this can prevent it from happening.
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