We have used different softwares to create the blog and also used while making the production. This softwares helped us to present it in neat forms.
To create both the personal and group blog we used yahoo.com and blogger.com. We used blogger to post our coursework and for better presentation. To get help with using the blog we used google.com. We also used google to search the information and links.

We had used this softwares last year while creating our blog so it was very helpful. We uploaded our pictures and edited it in photobucket, picnik and photoshop.

To post other stuffs like evaluation, mind-maping we used scribd and bubbl.us We created mind-mapping for the guideline of the documentary. We posted our script, evaluation on scribd where we can share our documents and look through others documents which could benefit us. We uploaded mind-mapping on bubbl.us as it was neater than hand drawn and was easy to rearrange the points and to upload the music on blog we used soundcloud .
To upload the videos and post it we used youtube. We also used youtube to look at other documentaries and get the idea of documentary features.

To capture and edit the documentary we used finalcut pro and to upload the music on documentary we used soundtrack.
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