Monday, 15 November 2010

First draft of script

Graffiti is a very controversial topic surrounding the media and the people of today.  Graffiti is any type of public marking (images or lettering) that may appear in the form of simple written words or elaborate paintings which have been scratched, scrawled or painted on any piece of property.
The number of young youths getting into trouble due to graffiti has increased over the last few years. Many people see graffiti as the starting point for heavier crime. The laws on public property are very strict and anyone caught graffiting can be arrested or prosecuted under the criminal damage act 1971. Graffitist can be fined  by the poilce, local authority officers, or community supporty officers, up to £5000 for the damage caused. It is also now illegal to sell spray paint to anyone under the age of 16 years old. New laws are trying to get the council to build places for young teenagers to go to work on their talent rather than getting into trouble for it. Kieran Dunn, a teenager says ‘Graffiti is more art than crime. If soemone has put that much effort into their piece they can’t be doing it just to get someone angry.’
Graffiti can be seen as a positive thing a form of art or expression. Many members of the public hire out graffiti artists to spray walls for bedrooms, live events or even the front covers of shop shutters. There are many different sections in graffiti when it is as an art. Photorealism, marker pen art, stencil art or traditional graffiti are just some of the examples. Also a lot of well reconginsed companies such as microsoft, kiss, virgin and even the BBC sponser graffiti art. Ed Hardy (a fashion label) hired a graffiti artist to spray the walls to their shop. John V (founder of Ed Hardy) said ‘Their ability to take Ed Hardy’s orginal designs and replicate them flawlessly was astounding.’
Clearly there are many different views on graffiti and it is clear to see that it can be considered art and expression when done in a controlled, legal environment and when it is truly a piece of art work and not just a ‘tag name’ on a bus shelter as then quite rightfully it is considered vandalism.

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