Monday, 29 November 2010
Script/voice over
<a title="View voice over/script on Scribd" href="" style="margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block; text-decoration: underline;">voice over/script</a> <object id="doc_983417882268478" name="doc_983417882268478" height="600" width="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" style="outline:none;" > <param name="movie" value=""> <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <param name="FlashVars" value="document_id=45339890&access_key=key-28fm07k2uzym9ezb14q9&page=1&viewMode=list"> <embed id="doc_983417882268478" name="doc_983417882268478" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="600" width="100%" wmode="opaque" bgcolor="#ffffff"></embed> </object>
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Meeting Minutes 23rd of November Tuesday
Today me and my group captured an interview with care taker and then we booked an interview appointment with metropolitan police officer.
At the night class we did some editing and completed our Newspaper Advertisement.
At the night class we did some editing and completed our Newspaper Advertisement.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Written Interview with Nepalese Artist
Name:Milan Rai (

Sustika- from your point of view what is an art?
Milan - I don't think i can give you a definitive answer all i can say for now is it is a creative process.
Sustika - At what age did you know you would be interested in being a part of Art world?
Milan - I was one of those bright kid who loved roaming outside the class room and in my teenage i got expelled from high school and this moment of social complacency was challenging for someone , who never went to any art schools and it distanced me from my own identity and later on i became convinced of the need of an art in my life and I re- entered the art world i call it my re- entry because i was already a part of it . i used to draw and paint since my early childhood
Sustika -can you tell us more about your painting ?
Milan-My painting is not about being infront of a canvas until something appears or until i find out something but its about being infront of a canvas until i lost everything
Sustika - as u mentioned earlier that art is a creative process so can u tell us more about your own process ?
Milan - i trust my intuition while i paint and my painting becomes a process without a schematic process, free from expected forms, and figures are figuratively unknown, as they come unintentionally and unknowingly. I enjoy going beyond the boundaries, I pick up anything around me and it becomes my tool to transform my personal impulses into a unique artistic expression. The movement of colors in a canvas brings me closer to life and makes me realize that the art is form of life. In my every brush stroke I hear the tribal rhythmic incessant beat which makes me quieter and hear my own heart pounding which makes me believe that the painting lives.
Sustika -Who are your inspiration?
Milan- first couple of years i painted completely in isolation. later on growing as an artist i got interested in newer methodologies and conceptualization and i got influenced by the modern artists practicing different form of art wheather they be artist,musician, poet or writers , the work of pollock, pasolini, ,beckett , robin rhode and the influence of the other contemporary artist can be felt in me.
Sustika -Have you ever done any graffiti?
Milan-No i havent done any
Sustika - As being a Nepalese artist what do you think about UK based famous graffiti artist like Banksy?
Milan- Bansky seems foreign but familiar to me . I have been inspired by his ephemereal appearances and his inventive presence . It reminds me of 2004 where he walked into the louvre museum in paris and hung his painting by himself , and when the painting was removed he said, to actually go through the process of having a painting to be selected is quiet boring its lot more fun to go and put your own one up. It made me believe not to believe in any kind of art competition but in a freedom to express healthily. personally i like his energy which is sporadic yet so continuous.
Sustika -As an artist what is your view on graffiti, Art or Vandalism?
Milan -Graffiti artist are contributing art in their own styles ,attitudes ,and values adding their pages in the history of city walls. enacting a studio in public place ,unannounced event with an uninvited audience in the streets, inspired by the sound scape of a city, horns, footsteps, siren, noise, is an intense excitement i guess as an artist I don't think they are vandalizing or violating. but creating in a new way. i remember one interview of an artist, where he said that he painted something in the corner of a wall and was not satisfied with the result and coming back after two days he finds someone has kicked a hole in a wall and it looked 'perfect ' and that moment was the most exciting moment for him so what do u call this ? is it a destruction ? or another creation ? i think it was the most significant and unprepared collaboration not vandalism.
Milan's Art Work

Sustika- from your point of view what is an art?
Milan - I don't think i can give you a definitive answer all i can say for now is it is a creative process.
Sustika - At what age did you know you would be interested in being a part of Art world?
Milan - I was one of those bright kid who loved roaming outside the class room and in my teenage i got expelled from high school and this moment of social complacency was challenging for someone , who never went to any art schools and it distanced me from my own identity and later on i became convinced of the need of an art in my life and I re- entered the art world i call it my re- entry because i was already a part of it . i used to draw and paint since my early childhood
Sustika -can you tell us more about your painting ?
Milan-My painting is not about being infront of a canvas until something appears or until i find out something but its about being infront of a canvas until i lost everything
Sustika - as u mentioned earlier that art is a creative process so can u tell us more about your own process ?
Milan - i trust my intuition while i paint and my painting becomes a process without a schematic process, free from expected forms, and figures are figuratively unknown, as they come unintentionally and unknowingly. I enjoy going beyond the boundaries, I pick up anything around me and it becomes my tool to transform my personal impulses into a unique artistic expression. The movement of colors in a canvas brings me closer to life and makes me realize that the art is form of life. In my every brush stroke I hear the tribal rhythmic incessant beat which makes me quieter and hear my own heart pounding which makes me believe that the painting lives.
Sustika -Who are your inspiration?
Milan- first couple of years i painted completely in isolation. later on growing as an artist i got interested in newer methodologies and conceptualization and i got influenced by the modern artists practicing different form of art wheather they be artist,musician, poet or writers , the work of pollock, pasolini, ,beckett , robin rhode and the influence of the other contemporary artist can be felt in me.
Sustika -Have you ever done any graffiti?
Milan-No i havent done any
Sustika - As being a Nepalese artist what do you think about UK based famous graffiti artist like Banksy?
Milan- Bansky seems foreign but familiar to me . I have been inspired by his ephemereal appearances and his inventive presence . It reminds me of 2004 where he walked into the louvre museum in paris and hung his painting by himself , and when the painting was removed he said, to actually go through the process of having a painting to be selected is quiet boring its lot more fun to go and put your own one up. It made me believe not to believe in any kind of art competition but in a freedom to express healthily. personally i like his energy which is sporadic yet so continuous.
Sustika -As an artist what is your view on graffiti, Art or Vandalism?
Milan -Graffiti artist are contributing art in their own styles ,attitudes ,and values adding their pages in the history of city walls. enacting a studio in public place ,unannounced event with an uninvited audience in the streets, inspired by the sound scape of a city, horns, footsteps, siren, noise, is an intense excitement i guess as an artist I don't think they are vandalizing or violating. but creating in a new way. i remember one interview of an artist, where he said that he painted something in the corner of a wall and was not satisfied with the result and coming back after two days he finds someone has kicked a hole in a wall and it looked 'perfect ' and that moment was the most exciting moment for him so what do u call this ? is it a destruction ? or another creation ? i think it was the most significant and unprepared collaboration not vandalism.
Milan's Art Work
First Draft of Radio Railler (script)
On the 15th of marth 2011, hctv presents: Graffiti : art, vandalism or polictial free speech. "exactly what is art, is it a brick?, is it a sculpture?, is it an oil painting? There are many questions and political issues that surround graffiti, and thats the same on the streets of london today. who's put that there?, who is that?, who's doing these little things?"
There are people of today that belive that graffiti is an eye and a nuisance , but some belive its creative work of art that expresses emotion, tells a story and shows the heart and soul of the city.
" its freedom, there are too manyelements to describe how it feels, i guess it's an escape, to assume another idenity.With the whole culture becoming more applaud we wonder why todays youth would engage in such a dangerous art form." it's a pain, and make the city look ugly, there is no need for people to put there name on the walls of london when quite bluntly just is wanted or appreaciated. Theres an anonymous feel, as if you had changed costume and you are a superhero!"
We will look at the idea it's an art form, as well the view that i seen as vandalism. we will also explore the idea that graffiti is political free speech.
There are people of today that belive that graffiti is an eye and a nuisance , but some belive its creative work of art that expresses emotion, tells a story and shows the heart and soul of the city.
" its freedom, there are too manyelements to describe how it feels, i guess it's an escape, to assume another idenity.With the whole culture becoming more applaud we wonder why todays youth would engage in such a dangerous art form." it's a pain, and make the city look ugly, there is no need for people to put there name on the walls of london when quite bluntly just is wanted or appreaciated. Theres an anonymous feel, as if you had changed costume and you are a superhero!"
We will look at the idea it's an art form, as well the view that i seen as vandalism. we will also explore the idea that graffiti is political free speech.
First draft of script
Graffiti is a very controversial topic surrounding the media and the people of today. Graffiti is any type of public marking (images or lettering) that may appear in the form of simple written words or elaborate paintings which have been scratched, scrawled or painted on any piece of property.
The number of young youths getting into trouble due to graffiti has increased over the last few years. Many people see graffiti as the starting point for heavier crime. The laws on public property are very strict and anyone caught graffiting can be arrested or prosecuted under the criminal damage act 1971. Graffitist can be fined by the poilce, local authority officers, or community supporty officers, up to £5000 for the damage caused. It is also now illegal to sell spray paint to anyone under the age of 16 years old. New laws are trying to get the council to build places for young teenagers to go to work on their talent rather than getting into trouble for it. Kieran Dunn, a teenager says ‘Graffiti is more art than crime. If soemone has put that much effort into their piece they can’t be doing it just to get someone angry.’
Graffiti can be seen as a positive thing a form of art or expression. Many members of the public hire out graffiti artists to spray walls for bedrooms, live events or even the front covers of shop shutters. There are many different sections in graffiti when it is as an art. Photorealism, marker pen art, stencil art or traditional graffiti are just some of the examples. Also a lot of well reconginsed companies such as microsoft, kiss, virgin and even the BBC sponser graffiti art. Ed Hardy (a fashion label) hired a graffiti artist to spray the walls to their shop. John V (founder of Ed Hardy) said ‘Their ability to take Ed Hardy’s orginal designs and replicate them flawlessly was astounding.’
Clearly there are many different views on graffiti and it is clear to see that it can be considered art and expression when done in a controlled, legal environment and when it is truly a piece of art work and not just a ‘tag name’ on a bus shelter as then quite rightfully it is considered vandalism.
We chose to have a simple graffiti picture as our blog background as we wanted it to tie in with our chosen topic but we did not want to overpower the work that is on our blog by having many different pictures of graffiti as our background.
Helvetica was first designed in 1957 by Max Miedinger. It’s one of the best know fonts around. There are many different versions of the font. It comes from the Latin name for Switzerland. Also it links to monotype.
Genre research
Stephen Neale- a research professor in film media and communications has spent a lot of time researching genre in different types of media. He looked at codes and conventions and different types of genres. He looked at documentaries and how they were put together according to genre and what different genre’s came up within the most.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Meeting Minutes (8th of November- Monday)
Today we captured an interview with an art student and did some work on our blog.
We even arranged a meeting with a police man for tomorrow (Tuesday- 9th of November).
We even arranged a meeting with a police man for tomorrow (Tuesday- 9th of November).
Meeting Minutes (1st of November- Monday)
Today we all arranged interview with our interviewee. We even planned on how to improve our blog and did some improvement in our group blog.
Email to Graffiti Artist
Request for an appointment
Dear sir/ Madam
I am Sustika Limbu and currently doing Media, Film Studies and Maths for my A-levels in Havering College.
For our A2 Media, we need to make a documentary regarding any subject matter. So, our group members decided to make a documentary on a topic "Is Graffiti Art/ Vandalism/ Political view???". We all decided to make a short documentary on this topic because of our similar fondness for an art and famous graffiti artist like Banksy. We would be very grateful if you can give us your time to convey your thoughts on given topic in our documentary.
Your Sincerely
Sustika Limbu
Contact number: 07533319140
Email id:
I am Sustika Limbu and currently doing Media, Film Studies and Maths for my A-levels in Havering College.
For our A2 Media, we need to make a documentary regarding any subject matter. So, our group members decided to make a documentary on a topic "Is Graffiti Art/ Vandalism/ Political view???". We all decided to make a short documentary on this topic because of our similar fondness for an art and famous graffiti artist like Banksy. We would be very grateful if you can give us your time to convey your thoughts on given topic in our documentary.
Your Sincerely
Sustika Limbu
Contact number: 07533319140
Email id:
Friday, 5 November 2010
Profile Of an Interviewee
Mark Allinson
Art Manager
Thurrock Council
Thameside Complex
Orsett Road
Grays, Essex
RM17 5DX
Milan Rai
Birth Date: 22 December 1985
Well Known Nepalese Artist
Dharan, Nepal

Subash Thebe's Work
Subash Thebe's work
Art Manager
Thurrock Council
Thameside Complex
Orsett Road
Grays, Essex
RM17 5DX
Milan Rai
Birth Date: 22 December 1985
Well Known Nepalese Artist
Dharan, Nepal

Jenny Bell
Art Teacher
Havering College
Subash Thebe
3rd year BA fine art student from
Middlesex University, London.
Contact detail:-
Subash Thebe's Work
Subash Thebe's work
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Meeting Minutes (2nd of November-Tuesday)
Today we all did a draft work for our Newspaper Advertisement and got some feedback from teacher.
We even arranged an interview with an Art Manager for Friday.
We even arranged an interview with an Art Manager for Friday.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Newspaper Article About Banksy
Via (
1 March 2010
20 October 2010
22nd October 2010
2nd November 2010
1 March 2010
20 October 2010
22nd October 2010
2nd November 2010
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